
This exhibition closed in March 2020.  Read more in different by design the speechless report (pdf)

You can explore the virtual tour of the exhibition or visit the DMA’s online collection.

Visit the DMA. The DMA’s free general admission now requires a timed ticket secured in advance in order to maintain a limited capacity. General admission includes viewing the Museum’s collection galleries and most exhibitions. See full details about your next visit at the Museum’s visit page.

“The greatest thing a museum does is give us access to real objects; to let us be with the real thing. I love that speechless is about “come in,” that you get to be in it. That access to the real is what museums do. That to me is the magic.”

Sarah Schleuning, Margot B. Perot Senior Curator of Decorative Arts and Design 

Explore how we can connect to the world around us beyond speech and words in speechless: different by design. Merging scientific research with innovative design, speechless features cutting-edge, interactive installations by six designers and design teams that offer unconventional, multisensory, and immersive experiences.
In this exhibition, you can explore how to touch sound, hear place, picture thought, and shape space.
We hope your time with different by design is memorable and meaningful, and leaves you feeling speechless.

“The art museum has magic inside it.”

Emil, age 3, after visiting speechless 

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